There are many important things I could blog about, but family is THE most important. Don't you agree?
Some of you haven't had the privilege of meeting the newest Davis addition. Well, here he is in Vail this summer. Hudson is now 9 months old and is the happiest baby known to man (and woman)! As you can see, his latest talent is clapping! He's also quite the dancer when you start singing, "a boom tick-a-boom."
His first words were "Hi" and "Hey" not "Dada." Needless to say, I'm very disappointed. I'm sure this was due to the fact that I was in Africa when he started talking. Gotta work on that and give the boy a vision for his daddy! I wouldn't want him to have any bonding issues because Dada wasn't one of his first words. Just kidding.
I'm uploading an album with pictures of the entire family. Please click on the album if you'd like to see everyone.