Winter has arrived in Colorado. We have 24 inches of snow on the ground and have been confined to the house all day. I love this state! It was a sleepy day in the Davis household and we loved every second of it! Wish you were here....
Here's the update on the book project: The focus on the book is on Africa, orphans and the HIV/AIDS crisis. It is a go! The publisher is excited about the project and intends to relase it ASAP in 2007. I'll keep you updated on exact details and release dates.
But, another surprise from this meeting has emerged. I will be writing a 3 novel series based on the non-fiction books being released! So here's the concept: a book release on Africa followed by a novel from the perspective of an orphan living in Africa, trying to survive amidst the difficulties of both parents dying from AIDS. Then a non-fiction book on China, followed by a novel from the perspective of a Chinese orphan. Followed by a non-fiction book on Russia and a novel centered on a Russian orphan.
I can't tell you how excited I am about this project. It's been my dream to be able to write on this level. All 3 novel proposals are due on the 31st of October, so I have lots of work to do. Yikes!
Lisa Samson,, has written 18 novels, and will serve as my writing coach. She is a God-send and a wonderful person. Check out her blog by clicking on her name.
I'll post updates as they occur. Never give up on the dreams God places in your heart. Sooner or later, if you don't give up, they will come to pass!