In the Nashville airport on the way home after 3 days of heavy traveling. I'm tired just thinking about it! Had an incredible time speaking at The Orphan Summit hosted by Family Life and Focus on the Family. I saw so many people I have only spoken to by phone over the years, as well as many friends from around the country. This was an incredible event and I was truly inspired to be around so many amazing people doing great things for orphans around the world. Today, I was at Coca-Cola Nashville launching a sponsorship program in Swaziland, Africa.
I NEED YOUR HELP! Recently, I told you about a new campaign I am starting in conjunction with the release of Red Letters: Living a Faith that Bleeds in THIS POST which explains the details. We have a sample of the micro-site up for your review which includes the new logo for Fivefor50 you can view here. This is in the initial stages, but I could use your ideas and suggestions. What do you think?