This Christmas, 5 for 50 is going around the world, giving away $1,000 a day to 12 different orphan care outreaches around the globe. We’re doing this because 5 for 50 has been an enormous success. Our first shipment of food has already arrived in Swaziland, another is on the way. We’re ready to roll out a global Christmas party for orphans through 5 for 50 and we want you to come along.
Here’s a look at where we’re going this Christmas…
1) Russia
2) Swaziland
3) South Africa
4) Romania
5) Uganda
6) Ethiopia
7) Peru
8) Mozambique
9) India
10) Kenya
11) Namibia
12) Cambodia
Through our network of orphan care partners, we’re helping support special Christmas outreaches to orphans around the globe. We hope to reach over 1,000 orphans with the true message of God’s love during Christmas.
Some of what we’ll do includes:
- Supporting Christian concerts and outreaches
- Providing special meals and celebrations
- Honoring a child with a Christmas gift
- Providing orphans with the blessing of family
I’ll be posting stories from each country as well as reports and pictures when they come in. Along the way, I’ll provide you and your family with special ways to pray for orphans and incorporate them into your holiday celebrations.
If you want to support the twelve days of Christmas, make a $12 gift today (please put “12 days of Christmas” in your note). We already have $12,000 for this project, anything that you add will make an even greater impact in the life of an orphan.
Stay tuned to the blog for more details.