You may remember the tragic passing of one of our beloved orphans, Sergei Adveev in February. Alan Pretre wrote these words as a tribute to Sergei along with a Haiku.
"It is hard to see how God works sometimes. I think of all he went through, with his accident and all, and I think of his brutal attack. From his picture he seemed so gentle, why would anyone hurt him. And then to be an orphan on top of all of this. To answer your question, Who mourns the death of an orphan? I want you to know that my wife and I do, and many others. I have tears even now as I write. If you feel the words of the poem may be a blessing to your staff please pass them on, especially your Russian friends. It is the least I can do."
Haiku for a Dead Orphan
Cold wind gray sky mourn
A diamond in the rough
Earth was not worthy
Rain falls but no tear
A father weeps from afar
Yet brother does not
Earth receives a seed
Of rose amidst the nettle
Perfume for heaven
Futility mocks
The eye of faith strains to see
A promise fulfilled
Love veils her face here
Herald of the one cries out
Unknown love made known
For Sergei Adveev
Sobinka, Russia
Rest in peace, brother
April 29, 2008
© Alan Pretre