Seth Barnes and I are partnering together to provide a launching point for you to find out what God has for you. If you've been a blog reader for a while and have a blog of your own, we are offering our two books to you completely free of charge, if you will do two things: listen and act.
Seth's book, The Art of Listening Prayer will teach you to better hear God’s voice and build intimacy with the Lord, and my book Red Letters will teach you about God’s heart for the poor, along with practical ways that you can reach out to the “least of these."
After you read each book, we’re asking that you post at least one blog linking to our blog sites and drop a comment on this blog, letting us know how it's going by answering these questions:
What did God move you to do?
What did you learn from our books?
How did this make a difference?
We'll walk through this with you and help you discern what God is saying and what your appropriate response is. So many people have a desire to serve God and are virtually lost in a sea of choices. We want to help you wade through all of that. If you're interested, act ASAP, because there are only a limited number of books.
Click here for your two free books: [email protected]
Most of my life I struggled with the vague notion that God wanted to talk to me and I just wasn't listening hard enough. The God I read about in the Bible regularly interacts not only with mankind, but with specific men and women. The common denominator I saw in Scripture was that these people who conversed with God were intentional and earnest in their pursuit of a relationship with him. So, I decided to pursue him like that. At the same time I became more aware that he was pursuing me. (The Art of Listening Prayer by Seth Barnes)
What if all Christ-followers lived the Red Letter words in the Bible – Jesus’ words? What if we offered the hungry something to eat, gave one of our many coats to someone who was cold, and truly loved all our neighbors as ourselves? How radically different would our lives be? How different would our world be? This is the reality of the Christian Life Jesus called us to live. (Red Letters by Tom Davis)
If the link doesn't work, send an email to [email protected] to get your books. Be sure to include your name, address, and blog URL.