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14 posts from February 2009

February 13, 2009

February Food Drive: Mission Accomplished

You did it.

In just four days, you provided 120,000 meals to children in Ethiopia and Swaziland. We've received at least $13,125 toward this project, and we are so extraordinarily grateful for your generous response. You did it! Mission Accomplished!

These meals will keep thousands of kids alive and participating in Children's HopeChest programs to help them with education, healthcare, and Christian discipleship.

I'll continue to provide updates as I get them. Until then, please continue to pray for these shipments. There are a variety of logistical hurdles to jump, so please pray for a smooth delivery.

I want to invite you to consider another opportunity with Children's HopeChest.

This year, HopeChest is looking to double the number of sponsors in our program. If you want to start a life-changing relationship with a young orphaned child in Russia, Swaziland, Ethiopia, or Uganda, please consider signing up today. All of the details are on our Web site. CLICK HERE TO SPONSOR A CHILD.

Thank you so much for your participation and your continued prayers.

February 11, 2009

February Food Drive: Update and Pictures

As of this afternoon we have received $10,695 for the February Food Drive Project! Thank you for your gifts toward this important project. I'm also happy to report that one of our planes has already left for Ethiopia (pictures below). We have just $2,430 left to finish off this project to send 120,000 meals to Ethiopia and Swaziland.

Here's a report from our ministry partner who was at the airport when the first shipment of food left for Ethiopia:

We have liftoff ~ the plane left Dayton, OH at 3:30 PM EST today. Will land in Addis on Friday.
Lord willing, we will be able to make this flight a few times this year.

Right now there are three things you can do to help...

1. GIVE: If you haven't already given, please consider a gift to help finish off the remaining $2,430 we have left to go on this project. Click here to donate. Make sure to put "February Food Project" in the notes section.

2. PRAY: Pray for a smooth delivery process as the food works its way through customs and to our in-country partners who will distribute the food. I will keep you posted on the blog as to what happens and when the food arrives. Please pray for this shipment!

3. SHARE: Spread the word throughout the Web using your blog or Facebook page. You can link directly to this post or any of the posts in this series letting other know how they can help. Get the message out!

Below are the photos of the plane leaving the U.S. on its way to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. This is the first of several shipments this project is funding. Thank you for making this possible. Thank you for being God's blessing to these children. More photos will follow...thank you so much!


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February 10, 2009

February Food Drive: Day 2

Yesterday we received $8,005 toward the February Food Drive for Ethiopia and Swaziland. Thank you friends! The cargo plane is ready to take off and deliver 120,000 meals to orphans we serve. Thank you!

We still have $5,120 to go to finish off this project.

A few hours after yesterday's post, I got a call from one of our ministry partners who committed $5,000 toward the food project. What a blessing to have almost half of this project funded by one special family. Thank you!

We also took in a $5.00 donation from a seven-year-old first grader whose family is adopting a daughter from Ethiopia. After her parents explained the food crisis in Ethiopia, she said, "Can I give $5.00 to make sure the kids like me have food?"

$5 or $5,000 or whatever you can give. I want you to participate in this project and experience the blessing of God working through a community of believers to bring his love to orphans.

I can't wait to show you the photos of the meals, the containers, and the kids you have blessed. Just $5,120 more to go... Use the link below to make your gift, and be sure to put "February Food Drive" in the note.



February 09, 2009

URGENT! Help Feed Hungry Kids in Ethiopia and Swaziland

Friends, I need your help this month to deliver 120,000 meals to Ethiopia and Swaziland. The food situation in both countries is dire, and I'm asking you to help today with a gift.

Last month, Children's HopeChest walked right into the food crisis in Ethiopia. While I was leading a team in Swaziland, I received this urgent message from our staff in Ethiopia:

Tom, I've just gotten back from Moses' Children's Home here in Ethiopia. Their needs cannot wait and the food situation is beyond critical. I'm doing what I can to get food to the kids, but we need money  right away to secure regular food for the next few months. If not, many of the kids here will risk starvation. Please help.

Moses' Children's Home is one of the orphanages in line for sponsorship. Until two months ago, their private funding was supporting this work. Now, those funds are gone, and the kids are hungry.

I was in Swaziland in January, and it's the same story there. So many hungry kids. We're launching several new carepoints, and want to make sure they are set up for feeding as many kids as possible.

Children's HopeChest has crafted rapid intervention to get food to Ethiopia and Swaziland. Here's the plan and how you can help:

$3,125 is needed immediately to send 20,000 meals to Ethiopia. This food is bound for Moses' Home, Abenezer's Home, and some of the orphanages where Ryan Brown and Gladney are working.

An additional $10,000 is needed to purchase a container to ship 100,000 meals to Swaziland for use in the CHC carepoints there. The container will remain in Swaziland and our staff will use it as a storage container for ministry items.

$13,125 for one container and 120,000 meals. Can you help us?

Use the DONATE link below to go directly to the giving page. Put "FEBRUARY FOOD PROJECT" in your note.