Tom's Note: Please take a few minutes to read this post from the team in Swaziland. As you do, please consider three actions...
1. Pray--only by God's grace and power can we turn back the tide of darkness in this small country.
2. Serve--you are needed in this battle and you have gifts of time and talent you can invest in the lives of these kids.
3. Give--click on the "donate" link at the top of the blog to make a gift on behalf of one of these children to bring the kingdom of God to these children.
Posted by BOB MUDD, HopeChest, COO...
Over the past 5 days we have had one compelling opportunity followed by another. The team that has been lead on this trip to
It has been a pleasure to serve alongside this team.
The number of additional CarePoint Partners will be between 4 and 6 depending on how it all sorts out. It also goes without saying that our team one the ground including Jumbo, Kriek, the D-team and Pastor’s Walter, Sam and Gift have and are doing an exceptional job.
A 45% HIV rate, an average life span of 28 years, over 10% of the population are orphans, a 60% + unemployment rate and 40% have the opportunity to go to school. The population has declined from 1.3 million in 2005 to 900,000 in 2009. It is a quiet, painful and consistent implosion of a nation.
The cost is measured one dream, one life, one family and one community at a time.
While the success of the trip is an answer to prayer and a result of hard work, the greatest testimony comes through the stories of lives, and hopefully generations, that are altered because the hands and feet of the Kingdom are responding to His call.
I find that the pain and joy of this nation is best found by asking each person I encounter what is their dream for their life.
These are 3 real life stories that were encountered during our house visits today.
God’s heart breaks for those created in His likeness.
‘Devote’ does not notate simply a spirit of compassion or feelings of sorrow for those in need, it compels one to action that is not contained in a ‘day of service’ but rather a commitment to living a life that holds others as more valuable than yourself and results in your life of charity and sacrifice sustainably meeting the needs of those in pain.
This happens one life at a time. Do something now! God is bigger than the statistics.