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As you know I'm in Ethiopia right now with a team from HopeChest. What you might not know is that the Bottomlys were one of the very first family's to jump on board with HopeChest when we launched Ethiopia.
Back then, I knew Amy and Josh from their blogs, and their desire to write a memoir about their journey to adopt their son Silas from Ethiopia. They are now in the midst of a second adoption, and recently e-mailed me about a great Christmas gift opportunity that will help them complete their second adoption from Ethiopia.
These would make great Christmas gifts, while at the same time supporting the Bottomly's adoption.
Tracy at JunkPosse makes great necklaces. She is currently donating a percentage of the profits from a select group of necklaces to the Bottomly's Ethiopia Adoption Travel Expenses. These necklaces would make great Christmas gifts to any Africa loving people you might know!