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16 posts categorized "HIV/AIDS"

August 15, 2007

Orphans Thrown Away Like Tissue Paper

What happens to a society when the orphan population explodes because of AIDS? Imagine that happening in your home town. Thousands of your neighbors would be little 12 and 13 year old boys and girls raising their younger siblings. No parents, no sense of right and wrong, just abandoned kids raising kids. It's almost too hard to believe this is the reality for millions of children living in our world. Please Read this article to get a grasp on this crisis. There is something to be done. We can be 'Good Samaritans' and make a difference in the life of an orphan. If you don't know where to start, Five for 50 is a great option.

July 25, 2007

A Call for Women to Help in the HIV Crisis

I love how passionate women are about issues that affect our world. Whenever we have missions trips, they are at least 75% women. When AIM (Adventures in Missions) does short and long term trips, 75% women. Women have carried heavy loads across the centuries when men either didn't or couldn't.  Examples would be taking care of the home front during WWI and WWII when men were at war. Today, there's a reason Russia is called, "Mother Russia." It's mostly women who are taking care of the family and working tirelessly.

What does this have to do with HIV/AIDS? The Kaiser Family Foundation has just released "The Multsectoral Impact of the HIV/AIDS Epidemic. Listen to one of their key findings, "There is the potential for HIV to alter the ratio of women to men since so many affected by HIV are women. Women account for almost half (48%) of all adults living with HIV/AIDS globally; they account for 59% of adults living with HIV/AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa. HIV rates typically peak among women 5 to 10 years earlier than men and women with HIV also tend to die earlier than men." Thanks to Mike Todd for this info.

Download kaiser_report.pdf

Ladies, there's plenty you can do! Take action and go to the Five for 50 website now and sign up in 5 areas of involvement. Or, get involved with HIV education, go on a mission trip, get involved with an organization helping those infected with HIV. The world needs you and is waiting!

July 23, 2007

The Fight Against AIDS - We're Losing

A brand new report came out today with discouraging news. With all that has been done in education, health care, and awareness, AIDS continues to be on the rise and we are losing the battle. Dr. Anthony Fauci, President George W. Bush's top adviser on the HIV/AIDS crisis, said that for every person we put in therapy for HIV, another six are infected.

The number of people infected with HIV is supposed to rise from over 40 million today to over 60 million by 2015. There was some good news at the summit regarding male circumcision reducing the transmission rate of HIV, but the rest was bleak news. The fact is that nothing but abstinence and faithfulness to one spouse will ever curb HIV. Dr. Brian Gazzard said, "The HIV epidemic is essentially uncontrolled, uncontrolled in Africa, and uncontrolled completely in Asia right now."

We have to be educated and involved regarding this deadly disease - Jesus commands us to do so. AIDS will kill millions of people leaving in its wake millions more orphans and widows. Read the rest of the article here.

May 11, 2007

Five for 50

In the Nashville airport on the way home after 3 days of heavy traveling. I'm tired just thinking about it! Had an incredible time speaking at The Orphan Summit hosted by Family Life and Focus on the Family. I saw so many people I have only spoken to by phone over the years, as well as many friends from around the country. This was an incredible event and I was truly inspired to be around so many amazing people doing great things for orphans around the world. Today, I was at Coca-Cola Nashville launching a sponsorship program in Swaziland, Africa.

I NEED YOUR HELP! Recently, I told you about a new campaign I am starting in conjunction with the release of Red Letters: Living a Faith that Bleeds in THIS POST which explains the details. We have a sample of the micro-site up for your review which includes the new logo for Fivefor50 you can view here. This is in the initial stages, but I could use your ideas and suggestions. What do you think?

May 08, 2007

The Global Fund

I'm off today to Washington DC at the invitation of DATA to participate in a special lunch. The lunch is hosted for the partners of The One Campaign to meet Dr. Michel Kazatchkine, the new director of  The Global Fund. The title of our gathering is, "Together We Can Achieve More," and the focus is to help the faith based organizations involved with ONE to receive funding. This is a critically important step for us at Children's HopeChest as we continue to expand our ministry throughout Africa. Global Fund specifically funds programs that help to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria - killing over 6 million people a year. This is obviously a huge focus for us and will continue to grow in the years to come.

April 15, 2007

HIV and Mother to Child Transmission

One of the reasons HIV infections are on the rise in many countries in the world like Africa, India, Russia, and China is because of the number of infants getting the virus from their mothers. There are 3 ways an infant is infected with HIV: 1) Uterine (in the womb) 2) During delivery 3) Breast milk. There is a drug called Neviraprine, that helps to drastically reduce the chances of a baby being infected. The cost is relatively cheap (about $8) and the affects can be dramatic. There's a great article here in the UK Metro, that tells the story of a child who received the medication and was HIV negative and one who didn't and was HIV positive. The good news is that medication can be provided to these kids and it can save their lives. To give now, please go to the website of my friends at Compassion International to read about their AIDS initiative and to help provide Neviraprine to expecting mothers who are HIV positive. You can literally be part of saving a life!