I love how passionate women are about issues that affect our world. Whenever we have missions trips, they are at least 75% women. When AIM (Adventures in Missions) does short and long term trips, 75% women. Women have carried heavy loads across the centuries when men either didn't or couldn't. Examples would be taking care of the home front during WWI and WWII when men were at war. Today, there's a reason Russia is called, "Mother Russia." It's mostly women who are taking care of the family and working tirelessly.
What does this have to do with HIV/AIDS? The Kaiser Family Foundation has just released "The Multsectoral Impact of the HIV/AIDS Epidemic. Listen to one of their key findings, "There is the potential for HIV to alter the ratio of women to men since so many affected by HIV are women. Women account for almost half (48%) of all adults living with HIV/AIDS globally; they account for 59% of adults living with HIV/AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa. HIV rates typically peak among women 5 to 10 years earlier than men and women with HIV also tend to die earlier than men." Thanks to Mike Todd for this info.
Download kaiser_report.pdf
Ladies, there's plenty you can do! Take action and go to the Five for 50 website now and sign up in 5 areas of involvement. Or, get involved with HIV education, go on a mission trip, get involved with an organization helping those infected with HIV. The world needs you and is waiting!