More details on Zoya and Misha are below. Please consider making a gift toward their medical expenses by clicking here. Please note "Lakinsk Medical Fund" in the notes. Thank you, Tom.
Many of you have asked the status of Misha and Zoya, the orphanage staff worker in Russia, who were injured. Here is the e-mail from our staff in Russia, and thanks again for your continued prayers:
"Both Misha and Zoya remain in intensive care unit, both in heavy condition. Olga showed their Xrays today at some progressive orthopedic center and was told that they can take Misha in only next week after the brain swelling is reduced. Misha's injuries are contusion of brain, heart and lungs and fractures of collar bone and forearm and Zoya's are dislocation and fractures of pelvic bones, burns and concussion.
"As to Zoya, the orthopaedic center refused to take her in based on her X-rays as they don;t think they can provide her with treatment she needs. There also is a problem transporting her. She has burn injury of her back of second degree (pretty bad). So Olga is looking for ways to get her over to a Moscow clinic and again any treatment will be for pay. Zoya will need at least two surgeries to help with 4 fractures of pelvic bones. One piece of a bone has been detached and is "wandering" inside the pelvis. At first the doctors believed that she will never walk again but now they;re saying that with proper and timely treatment she may be already on crutches in a few months. At this point in addition to prayers, money for medication is needed in the amount of 30 thousand rubles."
Children's HopeChest has started a special fund to raise money for Zoya and Misha's expenses. There's already been almost $1,000 in gifts given by their co-workers at the orphanage. Right now our staff members are trying to do what they can to raise money as well. We suspect their care will be expensive and long term. I would ask you to consider giving to this fund by going to this link and making a gift. Please be sure to put "Lakinsk Medical Fund" in the notes section.
Zoya is one of our Family Center houseparents at Lakinsk. A Children’s HopeChest Family Center is a home where a small group of teenagers (five to eight boys or girls) are placed in a family environment. Living with responsible Christian adults who play the role of mother and father, the family center environment provides a good family model for young people with abusive backgrounds. During a resident's stay at the center, professional counseling is provided according to the time necessary for the child to acquire independent living skills. As a houseparent, Zoya is “mom” to the boys in her Family Center. Please pray for them as they go through this ordeal and struggle with the reality of Zoya’s condition. She is in worse shape that Misha. Zoya is a long-time caregiver and staff member—someone who is truly loved and truly loves the children she serves. Please continue to pray for her and give toward her medical care as you can.
Thanks—from me and the whole staff at CHC.