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7 posts categorized "Writing"

May 27, 2010

Priceless Is Available Online

I just discovered that my new book, Priceless, is now available online. Of course, I always prefer that you go to your local bookstore and purchase the book, but if you just can't wait, you can purchase it now at, and Wow, they arrived fast!

To date, writing this book has moved me more than any of my others. It's an extremely important issue all of us need to be involved in. I will make the same offer to book clubs on a first come, first served basis: if you would like me to participate in a Q&A, I will make myself available. Shoot me an email: [email protected].

Please visit the book site by clicking here: You can find all of the videos and articles we've done to date on the issue of human trafficking. There is also an ACT Page, where you can find out exactly what to do to help. 

Tell your friends, Post the trailer, or Offer a sneak peak of the first chapter. I really appreciate your help in getting the word out about the book and this issue. All of you are so amazing at being advocates for my books. I am truly thankful.

May 26, 2010

Russia, St. Basil's, A Video, and Priceless

Every day there is more news reports regarding human trafficking and sex trafficking. This is the exact subject of my next book. Priceless releases in 6 short days! To keep my commitment about having the book come to life for you, I'm releasing the 2nd video today to take you inside Stuart's world. This scene in Red Square is one of the most majestic places on earth. Feel free to post this on your blog to help promote the release. I hope you enjoy it.

Priceless - St Basil's & Red Square from Tom Davis on Vimeo.

November 07, 2007

My Writing Coach is the Bomb!

I'm fortunate enough to have a writing coach for my three novels that is a literary genius. I'm not kidding. Creativity flows out of her like a river. She's written over 20 books, (go do a search on Amazon) but this honor couldn't go to a more worthy writer. Publisher's Weekly has just released a list of the top 150 books of 2007. Quaker Summer by Lisa Samson was chosen, only 1 of 3 books in the Religious Fiction section. Congratulations Lisa!!! You absolutely deserve it. The book is amazing by the way, I highly recommend it.

November 06, 2007

The Writing Life

There's a new post up on my other blog: An Authors' Blog that's worth reading entitled, "What a Writer's Life is Really Like." Click here for the post. 7 more days until the first draft of my first novel, Scared, is due. What am I doing writing a novel?!

August 08, 2007

Wrecked for the Ordinary Part 2

Last week  I told you about a two part article I've written for an awesome ezine called, Wrecked for the Ordinary. This week, they've posted the 2nd part of the article. I'm also pumped that they've jumped on board with the Five for 50 Campaign and are challenging their readers to give $5 to provide 100 meals for orphans in Swaziland.

Here's the start of Part 2:

But I didn’t run. I didn't because I knew that as a Christ follower I didn't have the luxury of pretending like this didn't exist. I knew that if Jesus were walking this earth today, we’d find Him in Swaziland, doing whatever it took to make a difference – caring for the orphans, rebuilding the nation, speaking life instead of death.

And I knew that in some mysterious way, I am Jesus walking this earth and making a difference. You and I incarnate Him, we are His hands, His feet, His voice. Continue reading here.

August 02, 2007

Wrecked for the Ordinary

There's an article I've just written on Swaziland up today on Wrecked for the Ordinary . Wrecked is an ezine that strives to re-imagine culture by challenging the norms and getting people out of their comfort zones. Click here to read, "Help! Half Our People are Dying." 

April 26, 2007

Writing Weekend

I'm off on a writing weekend with my good friend, and writing coach Lisa Samson. She and her husband Will, who is also an accomplished writer himself, will be helping me shape my novel Scared, that will debut in the summer of 2008. They have a writing retreat center called, The Laughing Owl (lots of pictures here!) where we will be outside Lexington, Kentucky.

Also, Red Letters: Living a Faith that Bleeds, is out for pre-order on amazon. Click on the title or the book cover on the left if you'd like to cue it up for a pre-order.